Call for Papers

Scientists, researchers, experts, and academics are invited to submit papers to be presented in AROQA 2018 in special sessions and panels. Paper contributions are accepted in Arabic and English. Papers should be submitted with no more than 8 to 10 pages and with no more than 8000 words. All papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. 
Each paper should include:
• Abstract with no more than 500 words.
• Keywords that refer to the key concepts of the paper
• Main sections of the paper including research methodology and illustration of research findings
• Author(s) affiliation and short biograph.
Papers should be written with font type “Times New Roman” for English papers, and “Simplified Arabic” for Arabic Papers, with font size of 12 and single line spacing. 
All papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers for relevance and quality of research. Authors of selected papers will need to submit the final version using THIS template’s format for publishing purposes.
Submit your Participation HERE 

A successful participation, which takes adequate time, resources, and flexibility, is one of our objectives. An affective participation is constructive when all partaking listen to each other, make positive contributions, and gain a deeper knowledge of the issue(s) for Participation 
