
A successful participation, which takes adequate time, resources, and flexibility, is one of our objectives. An affective participation is constructive when all partaking listen to each other, make positive contributions, and gain a deeper knowledge of the issue(s). The participants will include:
- Accreditation bodies and national quality assurance agencies
- Researchers and academics and quality representatives of Arab universities 
- Representatives of the Ministers of Education and higher education
- International experts and practitioners in the field of quality and accreditation
- Representatives of international organizations including the World bank, UNESCO, and ALECSO
- Civil society institutions and organizations concerned with education

Call for papers

Paper contributions are accepted in Arabic or English. Papers should be submitted with no more than 8 to 10 pages, and no more than 8000 words. Each paper should include:


A successful participation, which takes adequate time, resources, and flexibility, is one of our objectives. An affective participation is constructive when all partaking listen to each other, make positive contributions, and gain a deeper knowledge of the issue(s) for Participation 
